Saturday, May 3, 2008

Finding the feel
Control on fast greens starts with a lighter grip

Don't squeeze: If your grip tightens during the stroke, you won't release the putter.

I love fast greens. As far as I'm concerned, they can't be fast enough, even when they're extremely sloped. That's when feel and imagination come into play the most.
Light, consistent grip pressure is one of the keys to negotiating lightning-fast greens. A lot of amateurs either grip the putter too tightly from the start or increase grip pressure during the stroke. Either way, they have trouble controlling pace, which is just as important as line. Ratchet down your grip pressure depending on the speed of the greens.
Grip pressure on an average tour green might be 5 on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the lightest and 10 the tightest. Gripping it light allows you to release the putterhead, a critical factor on super-fast greens.

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